Genya O’Neall

Genya O’Neall

Genya O’Neall

Genya O’Neall

Genya O'neall

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GO. GO. GO. Those letters are not only my initials but my way of life — pretty plain and simple. I’m constantly on the move and most likely with a giant grin plastered across my face.  I’m a photographer, a mom, and a go-getter.  I’ve been shooting for years, and while people in general are my thing… kids just seem to come naturally. I love that their reactions are genuine, their moods are spontaneous, and they are a constant reminder to revel in the life that’s unfolding in front of you.   On shoot days I want to be the “GO”…the driving force of effervescent energy behind the team. We’re creating. We’re making. It should be a fun labor of love!