Daniel EMILIO Oramas

Daniel EMILIO Oramas

Daniel EMILIO Oramas

Daniel EMILIO Oramas

Director's Reel
Daniel Oramas

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Daniel Emilio Oramas is a Cuban-Dominican American Director, Editor and DP based in Atlanta. His versatility brings a comprehensive understanding of the filmmaking process, tightly focusing his creative decision making when bringing projects to life for clients as diverse as Jack Daniel’s, Belgard, Home Depot, Elton John, and Indian Motorcycle. Thanks to his bilingual fluency in Spanish/English and ability to communicate in two other languages, he has led multicultural teams of collaborators making content in the US, Latin America, and Europe, becoming an expert in low-profile, high-impact technical shooting in challenging circumstances. Whether on a soundstage with a BOLT or out in the field, the visual flair and humanistic focus of his storytelling is unmistakable.